Minnesota Health Information: A Guide to Health Care Quality and Cost in Minnesota

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Staying Healthy
The personal choices we make have a big impact on health. If we make bad choices—such as smoking, eating too much or not being physically active—we increase our risk of a serious disease such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease. If we make healthful choices—such as getting at least 30 minutes of moderate activity and eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day—we have a better chance of preventing serious diseases and staying healthy. These links will help you learn more about how to make choices that will help you stay healthy.

Getting Active
Making small, daily increases in your physical activity can have great health benefits like lowering your risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes and reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. No matter what your size or fitness level, these links will help you create an active lifestyle that fits your needs. Go to the links >

Better Eating
Anyone eating on the run knows it's hard to make healthy food choices. Still, better eating can help you control your weight and prevent disease. These links provide resources on healthful snacking, quick recipes, and nutritional guidelines for you and your family. Go to the links >

Healthy Weight, Overweight & Obesity
In Minnesota, nearly 3 out of 5 of adults are overweight and the proportion of adults who are obese has grown from 10% in 1990 to 22% in 2002. The good news is that there are plenty of resources to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. These links give Minnesotans support, information and ideas for better health, eating and activity. Go to the links >

Safe & Healthy Kids
Whether you're searching for tips on well-child check-ups or communicating with your children about their health, you know that children and adolescents have unique health needs. These links connect adults and children to age-appropriate resources on a variety of health topics. Go to the links >

Tobacco use continues to take a huge toll on Minnesotans, and every year 5,600 Minnesotans die from tobacco related diseases. To help you learn more about the harmful effects of tobacco and how to stop smoking, we've put together these links that include smoking cessation programs, tobacco prevention initiatives, and other health information. Go to the links >

Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Alcohol and other drugs contribute to numerous health and safety problems in Minnesota and the nation. Alcohol kills over 100,000 people in the United States each year, ranking as the third leading cause of death. Browse through these links to learn more about alcohol and other drugs and how to prevent their abuse. Go to the links >

Injury & Violence Prevention
Stay safe at home, work, or play! These links provide resources and advice for adults, employers, parents, and children. Go to the links >

Comparing Cost and Quality

Assuring Quality Care
Buying Health Care
Managing Your Health Condition

Staying Healthy
Getting Active
Better Eating
Healthy Weight, Overweight & Obesity
Safe & Healthy Kids
Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Injury & Violence Prevention
Preventive Care
Other Resources

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