Minnesota Health Information: A Guide to Health Care Quality and Cost in Minnesota

Home > Assuring Quality Care

Assuring Quality Care
Under legislation enacted in May 2004, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is taking action to improve health care quality and reduce cost growth by encouraging the adoption of best practices by Minnesota health care providers. On average, it takes about 17 years for an innovation in health care quality to achieve widespread use. The new law directs MDH to identify and promote local community-based, physician-designed best practices care across the Minnesota health care system, disseminate information on best practices, and educate consumers and purchasers on how to use this information effectively. This web page provides resources for consumers and health care providers interested in learning more about evidence-based medicine, demonstrated best practices, and patient safety.

Consumer Resources
Patient safety and best practice guidelines offer advice to doctors and other health care specialists about how to treat patients. The Leapfrog Group and Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI), for example, develop standards for providing safe medical care and treating specific health conditions. By being involved with these organizations, your health care provider shows that they are committed to giving you quality care. Browse through our consumer links to see how well your clinic or hospital is performing. Go to the links >

Provider Resources
We've compiled links to help physicians keep up-to-date on the latest guidelines and literature for a variety of health care conditions. These resources offer health care providers best practice and patient safety guidelines based on professional consensus and scientific evidence. Go to the links >

Comparing Cost and Quality

Assuring Quality Care
Consumer Resources
Provider Resources
Buying Health Care

Managing Your Health Condition

Staying Healthy

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