Minnesota Health Information: A Guide to Health Care Quality and Cost in Minnesota

Home > Staying Healthy > Tobacco

Staying Healthy

- Minnesota Department of Health website focusing on tobacco prevention and control. Includes links on tobacco prevention, nicotine addiction, and recent Minnesota-specific tobacco reports.

- The Minnesota QUITPLAN website provides options for smokers who may not want to use face-to-face or telephone counseling. Available in Spanish.

- CDC Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) webpage with information on how to quit, surgeon general's reports, available publications, and educational materials on tobacco use and secondhand smoke. Available in Spanish.

- National Cancer Institute (NCI) website listing general tobacco information, resources for quitting and prevention, tobacco research, and tobacco statistics. Includes some information in Spanish.

- American Cancer Society (ACS) website provides resources on the harmful effects of tobacco, how to quit, the Great American Smokeout, and risks for children.

- American Lung Association website with resources on quitting smoking, the harms of secondhand smoke, youth smoking, and smoking among racial and ethnic groups. Includes some information in Spanish.

- Tobacco Free Kids website listing federal and state policy initiatives, research and fact sheets, and reports on a variety of tobacco-related topics.

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