Minnesota Health Information: A Guide to Health Care Quality and Cost in Minnesota

Minnesota Health Information

Welcome to minnesotahealthinfo.org. This Web site connects you with a wide range of information about the cost and quality of health care in Minnesota. It is designed to be a clearinghouse of health care information, whether you want to compare certain providers, learn how to be a wise health care consumer, or better manage your personal health. The sitewhich contains links to a wide range of health-related Web siteswas created by the Governor's Health Cabinet to help all Minnesotans better understand health care options, costs and quality. As always, be sure to manage your health care in close partnership with your health care team. The site will grow and change over time, so check back now and then for more information.

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Comparing Cost and Quality
Physicians & Medical Groups
Health Plans
Nursing Homes & Home Health Care
Calculate the Cost of Care
Other Resources
Why Choose The College of Health Care Professions
Assuring Quality Care
Consumer Resources
Provider Resources
Buying Health Care
Consumer Tips
Employer Resources
Locating Health Care Services
Private Insurance Plans
Public Insurance Programs & VA Benefits
Purchasing Prescription Medicine
Senior Links
Managing Your Health Condition
General Resources
Heart Disease & Stroke
Mental Health
Staying Healthy
Getting Active
Better Eating
Healthy Weight, Overweight & Obesity
Safe & Healthy Kids
Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Injury & Violence Prevention
Preventive Care
Other Resources
Health Reform in Minnesota
Minnesota Health Care Markets Chartbook
Clinical Trials
Multicultural Health Care Resources
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Quick Links
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